>I am somewhat puzzled that you feel that holding an open discussion on the 
functioning of the project and its future is an initiative against the PMC.

I have this impression because initially this discussion was not open. Only 
because Christian opened it by accident the rest of the community was aware.

Reminders (to summarize):
Christian wrote
>Eh, my fault, I replied to ML which opened the hood.

You initially wrote:
>In fact, currently only 5 are somewhat active and of those 5 active members 3 are of the same company (hotwax). Given that the 5 PMC members are also the 5 active committers it seems that working in the interest of the project (which as the ASF states should be 'community over code') isn't happening that much any more. Only 1 is actively involved in participating in the community. And the others seem to be committed to achieve their own agenda in stead of being committed to the project.

Some others, at least Al, share your belief on the PMC, Al wrote:
>This seems like a test of the Apache framework - does it provide for the long-term life of a project when it conflicts with the self-interests of the PMC?

It seems to me that we should all try to understand the reasons which push the 
PMC to be very cautious with new comers.

I don't think exactly like Al, but unfortunately there is some truth in his belief. For me, the most important reason the PMC is less open to new committers than before is because we fear that changes done in OFBiz will not be monitored enough. This comes from past experience and also because OFBiz is now more stable and we want to keep this level of quality (still improving of course). But this way of thinking built a vicious circle: there are less and less experienced committers (as the PMC wiki page now shows, several committers have found "greener pastures", or for other reasons they left, that's life...)

Personally I have always favoured the entrance of new committers. I believe I'm the one who proposed the more to invite new people. My last 3 proposals were refused, and I must say with good arguments. To facilitate new arrivals I think we should amend our rules about what a new OFBiz committer can do or not. Unfortunately this is not the ASF way, where peers are peers. We are currently discussing new possibilities in the PMC...


Le 09/03/2014 23:24, Pierre Smits a écrit :

Thank you for sharing your views and position.

I agree with you that, while ample tools are available to community members
in projects under the ASF umbrella - such as: Barcamps, ApacheCons, skype
calls and teleconferences - to exchange viewpoints and to discuss topics,
the outcome of these real and virtual meetings must be shared through ML of
the project to hold merit in the community.
Indeed, this is one of the principles of the ASF. And the reasoning behind
is simple: if not persisted through the ML of the project it isn't shared
with all its community members. And follow-up can not be established.

But not everybody is not as good in putting words down on paper and email.
Some are better in expressing themselves verbally. These community members
may share their viewpoints too and this teleconference is also a tool to
enable them too.
I have invited everybody participating in this project through all
available mailing lists to ensure that everybody in the OFBiz community has
been reached.

So you can rest assured that discussions will be within the complete OFBiz

I am somewhat puzzled that you feel that holding an open discussion on the
functioning of the project and its future is an initiative against the PMC.
Are PMC members first and foremost not also community members? And as
community members may they not also share their viewpoints in discussions
in the community in other means than the ML?

If you or some of your peers (in both PMC and committers group) feel that
participating in an open discussion on topics as the functioning and future
of OFBiz is an initiative against the institute of the PMC of a project
then you and they should speak up.

You mentioned sides. I say we are one community.


Pierre Smits

*ORRTIZ.COM <http://www.orrtiz.com>*
Services & Solutions for Cloud-
Based Manufacturing, Professional
Services and Retail & Trade

On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 10:37 PM, Pierre Smits <pierre.sm...@gmail.com>wrote:


Duly noted. If there is anything that you want to be addressed at the
teleconferece, please share it here so that others can take note of it and
discuss it.



Pierre Smits

*ORRTIZ.COM <http://www.orrtiz.com>*
Services & Solutions for Cloud-
Based Manufacturing, Professional
Services and Retail & Trade

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