Hi all,

         I hope it's not too late to share a couple of thoughts.

There isn't much to add to what already written by my conference mates, but
there is one thing I would really like to share.  It is about how warmly
and nicely I was welcomed by the OFBiz group as a newcomer.

They are all skilled, enthusiastic and dedicated professionals and I'm sure
they are only a representative sample of the brilliant community that
supports OFBiz.

It didn't take long to me (and I think also to the others) to understand
that together, as a group, we were much more than each of us alone. I was
the last to present on Monday and when, at the end, I saw Sharan, Pierre,
Jacopo, Olivier, Gil, Nicholas and Youssef still there with me, after all
the other people had left the room, I felt how rewarding and reassuring is
to be part of a 'community'.

 I think that OFBiz is a great project and has the potential to be even
more successful than it is right now. If I were David Jones, I would be
really proud to be the one who gave rise to all this!

Kind regards


P.S. I will shortly attach the code illustrated in my presentation to the
wiki page at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/OYPfAg

Divesh, thank you for your congratulations!

2014-11-22 12:45 GMT+01:00 Sharan-F <sharan.f...@gmail.com>:

> Hi All
> See below for my thoughts and feedback on Apachecon last week. It was an
> amazing experience to see so many people that are involved with Apache as
> well as OFBiz in one place.
> Monday (the OFBiz track day) was the very intense. In the morning most of
> us
> met each other face to face for the first very time and straightaway we
> found that we could sit down and start  discussions on a range of topics.
> As
> the only native English speaker I must admit that I was impressed by
> everyone's language ability!
> My presentation was the first (so I was a bit aprehensive) but like all the
> presentations that day – raised questions for discussion.
> I think one of the most surprising things that came out of my presentation
> was that the host of the talk (a committer from the FreeBSD project) spoke
> to us about the problems he had as a potential new user trying to download,
> setup and use OFBiz.  We would have probably never got this feedback if he
> hadnt been assigned to host our talk.
> Just for information - here are the attendance stats.
> - I think my talk attracted 8 people
> - Pierre's talk attracted 11 people
> - Jacopo's talk attracted 11 people
> - Olivier's talk attracted 16 people
> - Nicolas and Gil's talk attracted 11 people
> - Anahita's talk attracted 27 people
> On Tuesday we attended some other tracks and I hosted the talk for
> committer
> on the Tomcat project (so someone good to know).  I also went to see a talk
> on Trademarks and Branding so this is as task that I'd like to do a bit
> more
> about just to make sure that the OFBiz brand is not being misrepresented.
> On Wednesday afternoon we all decided to hold a bit of a workshop to talk
> about OFBiz and what our ideas are now and for the future. It was really
> interesting to hear everyone's vision of the project and how they wanted it
> to be. We identified a range of areas and some proposals that we'd like to
> consult the community about. I am in the process of writing up the minutes
> and summarising the range of proposals that came out of that meeting so
> will
> share that with the mailing list via a different thread.
> On Thursday a lot of us attended the Barcamp which was a specific forum for
> asking questions and getting feedback from other Apache projects. Any topic
> could be raised and we had some great discussions around How Apache works,
> Git vs SVN, PMC roles, Updating other people's code without offending them,
> etc.
> It was a very busy week and I think I can speak for everyone when I say
> that
> we also had a lot of fun too.
> Looking forward to the next one!
> Thanks
> Sharan
> Sharan-F wrote
> > Hi All
> >
> > We've been having a busy week at Apachecon in Budapest and I'm sure that
> > the people that attended will be posting their updates about it soon.
> >
> > I just wanted to let the community mailing list know that I think the
> > OFBiz track was a success (our biggest session was Anahita's where 27
> > people came along!)
> >
> > As well as running our own track, meeting each other for the first time,
> > attending some other sessions, we found some time to hold a round table
> > session to talk about some project related topics. I will be summarising
> > our discussions and post these here - I think we have some great
> potential
> > proposals that we'd like to consult the community about.
> >
> > More news coming soon!
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sharan
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://ofbiz.135035.n4.nabble.com/OFBiz-at-Apachecon-Europe-tp4658651p4658773.html
> Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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