Hello everyone,

I am a newby OFBiz user and I recently joined this mailing list.
I work for an italian softwarehouse, MpStyle srl, that offers professional
ERP solutions for fashion/apparel industry.
About one year ago one of our customers asked us to develop an eCommerce
solution, to increase the visibility of his company.
After some evaluations we chose OFBiz as platform.
The original project consisted of two sub-projects: as first there was the
development of a Brand Web Site, that replaced
old one.
All the contents in the site were built with OFBiz Content Manager
application, taking advantage of DataResource-ElectronicText-Content
This site went live at the end of January 2017.
After that we start working on the second part of the project, that is the
eCommerce application.
Some of the requirements that the customer requested included:

   - multi-store catalog pricing rules (to sell in the 19 countries of the
   Euro Zone);
   - interfacing the pick-pack-shipping phases with an external logistic
   company that also take care of passing the packed order to a carrier
   company (different if the shipping has destination Italy or not);
   - interfacing the returns with the above logistic company;
   - integration with Unicredit Online Payment system, through their web
   - possibility to make a return in a retail store (with a notify mail
   both to customer   and store), or online, and choose from two different
   types of refund;
   - redirect users from different countries, to their "correct" web
   stores, through a geolocation service;

 and more.

This part surely was challenging and difficult, but the eCommerce finally
went live on the first days of March.
We are still working to improve it, but it works and we'd like to share
with the community and everyone interested,
the experience and our knowledge gained with this project, hoping to help
the OFBiz project to grow even more and
stay more involved in it.

For those interested, is possible to check the final result of our work, at

Thanks to all!

Kind regards,

Giulio Speri

Giulio Speri

*Mp Styl**e Srl*
via Antonio Meucci, 37
41019 Limidi di Soliera (MO)
T 059/684916
M 334/3779851


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