Haven’t had time to dig into the code, but at a high level I feel Vaadin is one 
of the best bets for helping OFbiz get a modern UI and as a result much greater 

On Aug 28, 2017, 8:37 PM -0500, Hans Bakker <h.bak...@antwebsystems.com>, wrote:
> Users/developers,
> I would like to present an alternative UI which can be generated from
> the existing OFBiz screens and forms but can also be used independently.
> What is Vaadin: https://vaadin.com/introduction
> Vaadin has the Apache 2.0 license.
> We have now completed a proof of concept which can display Vaadin
> screens in Java generated from OFBiz screens and forms using the
> existing ftl macro file which currently generates html but now for a
> very limited number of screen elements can generate also Vaadin Java
> screen files.
> To demonstrate this in a component which can be either installed in the
> OFBiz trunk or in V16 can be cloned from our git repository at:
> https://gerrit.antwebsystems.com/#/admin/projects/vaadin-test
> Check the readme file for installation notes.
> To save you the installation we have also a demo system:
> Ofbiz screen and form:
> https://vaadin-test.growerpdemo.com/vaadin-test/control/ofbiz/main
> Generated Vaadim screen:
> https://vaadin-test.growerpdemo.com/vaadin-test/control/ofbiz/#!TestView
> We would like to know from the community:
> 1. Technical opinion about this proof of concept implementation.
> 2. Is this something to be included in the OFBiz trunk as alternative UI?
> 3. Are there developers who like to work together to extend this
> implementation:
> a. cover all screen elements
> b. use Groovy instead of Java.
> Looking forward to your replies,
> Regards,
> Hans Bakker
> Antwebsystems.com
> T

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