Hi Hans,

can you give us some thoughts how Vaadin would be a better approach than using a modern bootstrap theme (see Nicolas' efforts on the common theme)?

Thanks and regards,


Am 29.08.17 um 03:36 schrieb Hans Bakker:

I would like to present an alternative UI which can be generated from the existing OFBiz screens and forms but can also be used independently.

What is Vaadin: https://vaadin.com/introduction
Vaadin has the Apache 2.0 license.

We have now completed a proof of concept which can display Vaadin screens in Java generated from OFBiz screens and forms using the existing ftl macro file which currently generates html but now for a very limited number of screen elements can generate also Vaadin Java screen files.

To demonstrate this in a component which can be either installed in the OFBiz trunk or in V16 can be cloned from our git repository at:
Check the readme file for installation notes.

To save you the installation we have also a demo system:
Ofbiz screen and form:
Generated Vaadim screen:

We would like to know from the community:
1. Technical opinion about this proof of concept implementation.
2. Is this something to be included in the OFBiz trunk as alternative UI?
3. Are there developers who like to work together to extend this implementation:
    a. cover all screen elements
    b. use Groovy instead of Java.

Looking forward to your replies,
Hans Bakker


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