
Great initiative, thank you, Rajesh!



Am 29.08.17 um 12:07 schrieb Rajesh Mallah:
Hi ,

We use many technical terms throughout the pages and articles but
the interpretation of the term may be  open or approximate to various
stakeholders due to lack of common definitions and glossary.

We already have a glossary page
But it is not very exhaustive yet.

I was planning to go through the BPRB pages and prepare a list of all
technical terms used in various pages for the purpose of enriching
(extending) the glossary.

I invite opinions on whether it is worth ?

My Arguments in favour:

(1) We need a common plane for definitions, if there is a disparity between
       author's interpretation of a business term and the reader's or
       reviewer's interpretation there shall be a communication gap.

(2) For newbies it is a great resource  because it increases their
       knowledge as well as ability of understanding more articles/pages.

(3) consistency of articles: if all authors/contributors use the same
       then the content created by them shall relate to each other in a more
       consistent manner.

Implementation notes:
currently we have our glossary in a flat list format with is the easiest way
to get started. However as the volume of terms and documentation increases
we shall also require to organise the glossary in a more methodical way.
Some of the relevant standards are W3C standards like SKOS [1]  , OWL[2].
I am not sure if confluence has components that allow organising vocabulary
at this moment.

Even if its' not there we can continue to enrich the Glossary / Vocab in a
manner (and later migrate/upgrade it).

[1] https://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/intro
[2] https://www.w3.org/2001/sw/wiki/OWL

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