Hi Paul, All,

Since arguably a unit price is *not* a currency amount, should we not consider 
this OOTB with a descriptive comment as in CostComponent.cost field ?



Le 05/01/2018 à 01:59, Paul Foxworthy a écrit :
Hi Tim,

The fields within OFBiz entities can have types including currency-amount,
currency-precise and fixed-point.

These are translated to a database native type depending on the database.
In most ANSI SQL databases, the above are NUMERIC( 18,2 ), NUMERIC( 18, 3 )
and NUMERIC( 18, 6 ) respectively. For example, the Postgres definitions
are here:

fixed-point is used for percentages, quantities and averages, but not for
most money related things.

The CostComponent.cost you noticed is defined at

You could try changing product price fields to use fixed-point instead of
currency-precise. It is arguable a unit price is *not* a currency amount,
because you would order small and cheap items like your washers in bulk,
never one at a time.


Paul Foxworthy

On 4 January 2018 at 23:20, Boyden, Timothy <tboy...@electroswitch.com>

Based on my reading of the comments in arithmetic.properties, it only
controls the display (rounding/format) of decimals, not the actual
underlying database field. In most cases, the related database fields only
have 3 (or less) decimal places, so you cannot store a value out to 5
decimal places, to round from.

What controls the creation of the fields? Is there/can there be a
properties file that lets you set the precision/scale of the decimal type


PRODUCT_PRICE.PRICE = decimal(18,3)
INVOICE_ITEM.AMOUNT = decimal(18,3)
ORDER_ITEM.UNIT_PRICE = decimal(18,3)

I can't easily identify what tables hold bill of materials and routings,
but my guess is, I would see similar issues there.

It is not every cost or price field though, which to me is a baffling
inconsistency. For example, COST_COMPONENT.COST is decimal(18,6), which
would be fine.



-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Foxworthy [mailto:p...@cohsoft.com.au]
Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 2018 8:47 PM
To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
Subject: Re: Add Product Supplier broken - similar to Edit Facility bug

Hi again,

I've changed my mind about a Jira for the moment. I think this is not
exactly the same thing as OFBIZ-6436. We could create a new issue in
future, but I'd like to consider this some more.

I see the general point that there's a need for more decimal places in

OFBiz has configuration options for decimal places in orders, invoices,
indirect taxes, financial accounts and general ledger reports. (All of
these are in https://github.com/apache/ofbiz/blob/trunk/applications/

Here are questions I'd like Tim and everyone to consider:

- Is a rule for product price DPs a separate thing to rules for other
amounts specified in arithmetic.properties? I think the answer is "yes".

- Should OFBiz just accept a price to whatever level of precision a user
wants to enter it, and not round it?

- Product pricing and the number of DPs might vary significantly for
different products. Is there any need to enforce some sort of consistency

- If enforcement is needed, is a single configuration option for product
pricing sufficient?

- If enforcement is needed, should it be more fine-grained than one rule
for all products?

Should the number of DPs be an attribute of some entity, perhaps
ProductCategory or SupplierProduct?


Paul Foxworthy

On 4 January 2018 at 11:57, Paul Foxworthy <p...@cohsoft.com.au> wrote:

Thanks, that makes sense.

Maybe further discussion should move to https://issues.apache.org/
jira/browse/OFBIZ-6436 . I will put a comment there with your link to
the NCES standard.


Paul Foxworthy

P.S. I buy my gasxxx petrol in litres and one place suffices :-).

On 3 January 2018 at 23:20, Boyden, Timothy

Same reason your gas prices are quoted to 3 digits at the pump. Those
extra cents amount to millions of dollars after millions of gallons
or hundreds of thousands of component sales. It is also necessary in
order to capture actual cost of products when using only a few of the
components in a part, or like I said, grams of a precious metal
coating on electrical connectors. Measurements to convert from grams
to a purchase UM of ounces will almost always be a 5 digit decimal
value. And you can bet those precious metal vendors count their
hundreds and thousandths of ounces.
Also, for the purposes of statistical analysis, which is used to
analyze production quality, the US national standard is (at least) 4
places: https://nces.ed.gov/statprog/2002/std5_3.asp


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Foxworthy [mailto:p...@cohsoft.com.au]
Sent: Tuesday, January 2, 2018 7:43 PM
To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
Subject: Re: Add Product Supplier broken - similar to Edit Facility

Hi Tim,

Thanks for your feedback.

I am curious what you would use the unit price for. Do you order your
washers in quantities of thousands, and might the price vary if you
ordered in quantities like 10,000 or 100,000? So acquisition price
might depend on quantity ordered. If you are calculating cost price
for a manufactured product, the prices for washers might be imprecise
but that's unlikely to be most significant contributor to the cost
price. What am I missing?

Paul Foxworthy

On 24 December 2017 at 22:42, Boyden, Timothy

The issue that I had was that the underlying field would not accept
a value of 0.00590. I had to enter the value as a lot of 10000, to
get the price to 59.00, before it would accept the value. If I read
the first link correctly, that is referring to display format, and
not validation of the field input, or the size of fields. Looking
at the table spec, indeed the LAST_PRICE field of SUPPLIER_PRODUCT
is only a decimal field with 3 decimal place precision. It should be
at least 5.
All price fields should be at least 5 decimal place precision.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Foxworthy [mailto:p...@cohsoft.com.au]
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2017 7:36 PM
To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
Subject: Re: Add Product Supplier broken - similar to Edit Facility

Hi Tim,

Decimal places are configurable for many things in OFBiz - see
and below.

I can see product pricing should be configurable too. In
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-6436, Ingo Wolfmayer
was proposing adding a similar thing for prices.


Paul Foxworthy

On 24 December 2017 at 08:02, Boyden, Timothy

Also, it looks like the Last Purchase Price field doesn't accept
5 digit decimal places. Major bad for a manufacturing system. A
steel washer, priced per each, would be like $0.00590 USD.
Similarly, precious metals, like silver for silver plating, would
be ordered in
5-digit decimal ounces.
That needs to get fixed.



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