Hi Taher ,

there is ample space for the custom logic in the architecture . Its
basically in
an MVC pattern . There is a direct Model connected to the Entities(via
database connection) and an Indirect one  via XMLRPC of OFBiz.
OFBiz is mostly being used as a data store now.

With time as I familiarize myself with OFBiz capabilities,  more custom
code can
be offloaded  to OFBiz's inbuilt capabilities. Currently I have less
capability or
intent to mess with OFBiz code/ plugins.

The only problem i see with the current approach is the lack of transaction
I cannot rollback partial changes in case of run-time errors or failures.
the XMLRPC requests run on server in its own transaction context. But I am
to face any real challenge due to this.


On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 3:24 PM, Taher Alkhateeb <slidingfilame...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> I like your approach, and my recommendation is to try and stick with
> the existing model. The combination between products, parties, stores
> and roles should be robust for your needs. However, I think you will
> probably need some custom logic around the processing of buyers and
> sellers since you're developing an exchange kind of market.
> I think maybe your custom logic is going to cover mostly the code
> _before_ a transaction happens between buyers and sellers. Maybe you
> can use the "opportunity" or "quote" or "requirement" entity to drive
> the follow up until a deal is closed at which time you trigger maybe
> an order which drives everything else. It depends on how you're
> exactly designing your system.

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