Hi born2trump (nice name, if I got it right),

Your message has been moderated.

Please subscribe to the user ML for such questions and then use your email 
See why here http://ofbiz.apache.org/mailing-lists.html.

You will get a better support, people can answer you on the ML.
The wider the audience the better the answers you might get.

Also it's more work for moderators who have to accept your messages as long as 
you have not subscribed.
I'll personally no longer accept them (other moderators still could).


OK people already answered to you, let's go and let us know it's OK


Le 22/01/2020 à 00:38, L a écrit :
Having trouble getting this working.  I the installation docs are pretty thin 
on details.
I started with a clean install of CentOS7 updated:

    [root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release

Followed these instructionsQuick & Easy Setup:

    Download an OFBiz release

1. Download and install Java 1.8 or higher JDK/J2SDK (not the JRE, you
   need the full SDK) from Sun's Java (J2SE) site. You can use OpenJdk
   8 (or higher).
   Make sure your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to this JDK
   after installation (NOTE that for Mac OS X no JVM setup is needed,
   just make sure Java is up to date with the OS X Software Update
   There are still people using older versions, even it it's of course
   not recommened, notably for security reasons
   By and large see this page on system requirements

   [root@localhost ~]# yum install java-11-openjdk
   [root@localhost ~]# java --version
   openjdk 11.0.6 2020-01-14 LTS
   OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.6+10-LTS)
   OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.6+10-LTS, mixed mode, sharing)
   [root@localhost ~]# unzip /media/sf_Downloads/apache-ofbiz-16.11.06.zip

2. "Download" OFBiz in the directory of your choice (see comments below
   about that). This should create one sub-directory: *ofbiz*. This
   will be the OFBIZ_HOME location.

   [root@localhost ~]# unzip /media/sf_Downloads/apache-ofbiz-16.11.06.zip
   [root@localhost ~]# mv apache-ofbiz-16.11.06/ /usr/local/ofbiz
   [root@localhost ~]# cd /usr/local/ofbiz/

3. (*not for snapshots*) Load OFBiz demo data in the embedded Apache
   Derby database running *"gradlew loadAll"*on Windows or *"./gradlew
   loadAll"*on Linux/Unix/OSX.

   [root@localhost ofbiz]# ./gradlew loadAll
   -bash: ./gradlew: No such file or director

   a) I read the README.md that said to run ./gradle/init-gradle-wrapper

   [root@localhost ofbiz]# gradle/init-gradle-wrapper.sh
     === Prepare operation ===
   /usr/local/ofbiz/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar not found, we
   download it
     === Download gradle-wrapper.jar ===
     === Download gradle-wrapper.properties ===
     === Download script wrapper ===
     === Control downloaded files ===
   gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar: OK
   gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties: OK
   gradlew: OK

   b) README says:

   you can setup the Gradle wrapper for OFBiz by executing the
   following from
   the command line at the OFBiz top level directory (folder):

   `gradle wrapper --gradle-version 2.13`

   [root@localhost ofbiz]# gradle wrapper --gradle-version 2.13
   -bash: gradle: command not found

    From there things go downhill,none of these work:

   Linux/Unix/OSX: *"./gradlew**ofbiz"*or *"./startofbiz.sh"*(or even
   "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar build/libs/ofbiz.jar").

What do I need to do to get this stuff to work?  Never had so much trouble 
installing an app before.

Are there updated instructions anywhere?

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