do you analyse the gradlew script present ?

    $ file gradlew
    gradlew: a /usr/bin/env sh script, ASCII text executable   

    $ ls -l gradlew
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 mnicolas mnicolas 6128 - gradlew

From my part I run form fresh download the process and all work fine.
Just I never run it as root.

I can also try to find the problem with :

$ ./gradlew --debug


On 22/01/2020 17:15, L wrote:
> ./gradlew loadAll doesn't do anything and supplies no output.  It just
> returns to the CLI instantly:
> [root@localhost ofbiz]# ./gradlew loadAll
> [root@localhost ofbiz]#
> On 1/22/20 9:08 AM, Parminder S. Lehal wrote:
>> The problem lies with the download files. Some of the zip files *even
>> the latest 16.11 zip) does not have gradlew file included in them. It
>> is pathetic that the final package file served  from the mirrors is
>> incomplete(May be.... someone will pay some attention to this decline
>> in quality). I also found this after wasting some time.  Easier
>> solution may be to use svn for downloading whatever version you are
>> looking for.
>> On Wed, 2020-01-22 at 10:32 +0100, Gil Portenseigne wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 10:30:14AM +0100, Gil Portenseigne wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>> Typo :And you should be able to : $ ./gradlew loadAll

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