Also better to use domain name in p:turnUrl if user have one and port
number can be omitted if it is default 3478.

сб, 16 мая 2020 г. в 17:22, Konstantin Kuzov <>:

> Hi there, I have a few suggestions about tutorials.
> 1) I don't really understand the purpose for setting both user and
> use-auth-secret in coturn. According to documentation they are both
> exclusive:
> # Be aware that use-auth-secret overrides some parts of lt-cred-mech.
> # The use-auth-secret feature depends internally on lt-cred-mech, so if
> you set
> # this option then it automatically enables lt-cred-mech internally
> # as if you had enabled both.
> # Note that you can use only one auth mechanism at the same time! This is
> because,
> # both mechanisms conduct username and password validation in different
> ways.
> # Use either lt-cred-mech or use-auth-secret in the conf
> # to avoid any confusion.
> 2) Also for coturn I don't see the fingerprint option. Isn't it required
> for webrtc?
> 3) What the point for installing to something obscure like /opt/open504
> and using open504 as database name? IMHO it would just complicate upgrading
> procedure for users.later on.
> 4) Please use openmeetings.service on distributions which use systemd.
> 5) User need to be aware that tomcat won't reload to new certificates upon
> renewal and will keep using old certificates until full restart. So
> typically after 3 month clients will be greated with expired certificate in
> case of let's encrypt. If user don't want to restart tomcat every now and
> then and terminate by that all currently active connections user need send
> to it reloadSslHostConfig(host) or reloadSslHostConfigs() via jmx or
> manager. But it is not something simple like in case of nginx which only
> require SIGHUP signal to the process. And nor jmx or manager is shipped
> with OM distribution anyway. As one solution to the problem on my test OM
> installation VM with let's encrypt I'm using acme-tiny instead of certbot
> (matter of preference) and this custom protocol
> which will
> automatically reload it for me every configured interval.

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