I assume you have removed commons-el-1.0 from your pom of course.

On 7/20/07, Lionel Port <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

did you do a clean before the package.

i.e. mvn clean package

That will get rid of the dependencies that are already copied to the
target directory but not in your pom.

On 7/20/07, Érico Teixeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I got the EL RI depedencies from the repository and now I'm having this
> error :
> java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraints violated when linking
> javax/el/ExpressionFactory I searched trought the web and got the info that
> there is a problem using EL RI with Tomcat 6
> I'm not sure if my project structure is going to work
> Can anyone help about this ? I  starting to belive that I have
> to  change my project structure
> At this moment I'm using Shale, MyFaces, Facelets, Spring, Hibernate and
> Maven
> When I compile my project with maven through command line I see that in
> my war file deps I have el-api.jar ,  el-impl.jar and
> commons-el-1.0.jar
> Would that be one of the possible reasons for the problem ?
> ...
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Lionel Port <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: user@shale.apache.org
> Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 11:12:27 PM
> Subject: Re: Integrating Shale with Facelets
> I've an test app working with shale and facelets. I don't think there is
> anything specific that needs to be done for shale. The dependencies I
> have
> are.
>         <dependency>
>             <groupId>com.sun.facelets</groupId>
>             <artifactId>jsf-facelets</artifactId>
>             <version>1.1.11</version>
>         </dependency>
>         <dependency>
>             <groupId>javax.el</groupId>
>             <artifactId>el-api</artifactId>
>             <version>1.0</version>
>         </dependency>
>         <dependency>
>             <groupId>el-impl</groupId>
>             <artifactId>el-impl</artifactId>
>             <version>1.0</version>
>         </dependency>
> On 7/18/07, Érico Teixeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > I'm trying to create a
> > project using Maven, Shale, Facelets and MyFaces
> >
> > I added the folowing dependency im my POM :
> >
> >         <dependency>
> >             <groupId>com.sun.facelets</groupId>
> >             <artifactId>jsf-facelets</artifactId>
> >             <version>1.1.11</version>
> >         </dependency>
> >
> >     <dependency>
> >             <groupId>commons-el</groupId>
> >
> >          <artifactId>commons-el</artifactId>
> >             <version>1.0</version>
> >         </dependency>
> >
> > In my POM the Shale version is 1.0.4 and MyFaces is 1.1.5
> >
> > I configured aplplication FacesConfig with :
> > <application>
> >     ...
> > <view-handler>
> >           com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler
> >         </view-handler>
> >     </application>
> >
> > In my deployment descriptor I have :
> > <welcome-file-list>
> >         <welcome-file>index.jsp</welcome-file>
> >     </welcome-file-list>
> >
> > And the code in index.jsp :
> > <jsp:forward page="home.jsf " />
> >
> > I have my first xhtml file named
> > home.xhtml
> >
> > When I compile and deploy my app through maven everything runs fine
> >
> > Then when I access my context through http://localhost:8080/myApp this
> > should redirect to home.xhtml but I receive the following error :
> >
> > com.sun.facelets.FaceletException: Could not instantiate feature[
> > compiler.ExpressionFactory ]: com.sun.el.ExpressionFactoryImpl
> >
> > and in the component tree message shows :
> >
> > <ShaleViewRoot locale="pt_BR" renderKitId="HTML_BASIC" rendered="true"
> > transient="false" viewId="/home.xhtml"/>
> >
> > I don't know if I have to change my dependecies from commons to RI and
> I
> > have searched throught the web for de EL dependency from sun but until
> now I
> > got nothing...
> >
> > I'm not sure what is the cause of the problem yet....
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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