Spark can do Map Reduce and more, and faster.
One area where using MR would make sense is if you're using something (maybe 
like Mahout) that doesn't understand Spark yet (Mahout may be Spark compatible 
now...just pulled that name out of thin air!).
You *can* use Spark from Java, but you'd have a MUCH better time using Scala. 
You don't necessarily need to know heaps of Scala to get stuff done in Spark. 
I'm not from a JVM background, having been in the .NET world for most of my 
career, and I haven't found scala at all difficult. And considering the amount 
of stuff in Spark that's built on or uses Scala, it'll always be first class. 
If you write Spark stuff in Java, you'll need a) a LOT more code, and b) will 
have to deal with Spark "bridging" classes that are provided to overcome 
deficiencies in Java.
Hope that helps.
> Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 16:34:04 +0100
> Subject: Spark or MR, Scala or Java?
> From:
> To:
> Hello,
> I'm a newbie with Spark but I've been working with Hadoop for a while.
> I have two questions.
> Is there any case where MR is better than Spark? I don't know what
> cases I should be used Spark by MR. When is MR faster than Spark?
> The other question is, I know Java, is it worth it to learn Scala for
> programming to Spark or it's okay just with Java? I have done a little
> piece of code with Java because I feel more confident with it,, but I
> seems that I'm missed something
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