Hi Sameer,

I worked with MQSeries and storm using the MQSeries JMS API implementation
and  https://github.com/ptgoetz/storm-jms components

Best regards!

El jue., 21 ene. 2016 a las 13:26, Sameer Kirange (<sam.kira...@gmail.com>)

> Hi,
> I'm quite new to world of IBM Websphere MQ and need advise on one of the
> Integration scenario.
> In this scenario, we need to integrate MQ with Apache Storm, We need to
> read the MQ in Apache Storm spout so that message can be processed in bolt.
> Has anybody worked on this integration and is able to successfully receive
> the messages from IBM MQ into Storm for processing ? If yes can some
> pointers be provided on how to achieve it ?
> I understand from the various mailing lists and the blog pages from
> hortwonworks that that IBM MQ does not support the integration with Apache
> Storm. It states following reasons for the same.
> "We ran into issues with IBM MQ-Series with respect to how messages are 
> acknowledged by IBM
> MQ. IBM-MQ requires the thread that receives the message be the same thread 
> that acks it.
> Storm's framework cannot support this requirement, as the receiving and 
> acking thread by
> design are different threads to achieve higher throughput.
> However when I searched further i came to know from the reply of Nathan
> Marz that
> That's not accurate. A spout task's nextTuple, ack, and fail methods are all 
> called by the
> exact same thread. You're confusing Storm acks with acks that go back to the 
> source message
> queue. Storm acks are about detecting tuple DAG completion and have nothing 
> to do with the
> ack to the source message queue
>  Are there any guidelines available to achieve the integration of IBM MQ
> and Apache Storm  ?
> Thanks and Regards,
> Sameer

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