At 06:42 AM 6/18/2004, Frank Zammetti wrote:
You know, kind of off-topic, but you remind me of a conversation I had with someone at work here, maybe you guys would have some
I ask because most of the Struts apps I've seen don't bother with the DTO's, they just pass the ActionForm to the subordinate classes, or else pass them as parameters. It seems that regardless of what literature is telling is we should do, in practice (GENERALLY), people don't bother with the DTO's.

Have I just looked at the wrong apps? What are most people doing in this regard?


I don't know what people are doing on the whole. I do know that if people are not using DTOs, DAOs, VOs, etc. they are missing the boat. The initial work is paid off in volumes. Also, people don't use enough reflection. I think that the level of sophistication out there is a lot less than we imagine. For my money, the emphasis on IDEs suggests this. Good frameworks, hopefully, take us away from the IDE approach.


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