> -----Original Message-----
> From: mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 18 June 2004 15:31
> To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Theoretical debate
> At 07:18 AM 6/18/2004, Bill Schneider wrote:
> >Form beans can be thought of as a special case of DTOs: they are the 
> >argument the client (web browser) passes to the remote 
> method call (HTTP 
> >POST).  So passing form beans directly to business logic is _almost_ 
> >reasonable, putting the dependency issue aside for now (form 
> beans have to 
> >extend ActionForm).
> >
> >The difference is, form beans are a model of the /user 
> input/, and since 
> >there may be invalid inputs (for example: "asdfjkjkd" in a 
> field that's 
> >supposed to be numeric) form bean fields often need to be 
> Strings when the 
> >corresponding field in a "real" DTO would be a Date or Integer.
> >
> >To deal with this, I've used a tool called XSnapshot (just 
> released to 
> >SourceForge: http://xsnapshot.sourceforge.net) to generate 
> form beans and 
> >other DTOs from XDoclet tags in a POJO data model.  That way you get 
> >_both_ real DTOs and Form Beans without writing all the 
> classes by hand, 
> >and you can copy between DTOs and form beans with 
> BeanUtils.copyProperties.
> >
> >-- Bill
> >--
> >Bill Schneider
> >Chief Architect
> I don't think we should be thinking of action forms as DTOs.  
> DTOs or VOs 
> have a special use and a special problem that they are meant to 
> solve.  Action forms are related to an entirely different set 
> of issues 
> about data farming.  I don't think we can put the dependency issue 
> aside.  That is really the whole point of frameworks like 
> Struts.  If you 
> can put the dependency issues aside, you probably don't need 
> Struts.  If 
> you don't need a hammer, that is not a critique of a hammer.  
> Likewise, 
> Struts has an objective and, with clear areas that could be 
> improved, does 
> that really well.  There is a good reason that Struts is so 
> successful.  Craig is a sweetheart, but that is not the 
> reason for the 
> success of Struts.
> I think that a lot of the problems people have with 
> repetitive programming 
> is not the fault of the framework but the failure to use 
> coding techniques 
> that are readily available, such as dynamic proxies.
> Michael

Yes I could not agree more. This why Commons BeanUtils 
and PropertyUtils was invented. It sound like people
have an itch for a mapping properties that converts
ActionForm (Dyna also) to a Value Object. Convert me X into Y whilst
copying the attributes as best I can from X to Y.
Sounds like a very old OO problem: Morphing Eclispe into 
Round Rectangle into a Triangle. I wonder.

Peter Pilgrim
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
10 South Colonnade, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
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