For my part, this is a big bugaboo that continually causes problems in all sorts of ways for programs that access resources with relative and absolute URLs. I just decided, except for Applets, to deliver all resources via my own action classes and to use a "protocol" to do it. I now have none of these problems. If you want a general solution so that you never have to worry about these things again, as people have to almost every day on this list, then go to:


At 07:18 AM 6/21/2004, Bob Thomas wrote:
I have JSPs that work fine using images, stylesheets, etc. from other directories. However, when I put those same JSPs into tiles, the JSPs can no longer find the images, stylesheets, etc. unless I change the paths to those images, etc. These JSPs are in child directories beneath the parent directory which contains the layout JSP. It's acting as if the JSPs are in the parent directory with the layout JSP, instead of the child directories where they actually are. Does anyone know what's happening?

Thanks in advance,

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