Thanks Mike!

mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:For my part, this is a big bugaboo that continually 
causes problems in all 
sorts of ways for programs that access resources with relative and absolute 
URLs. I just decided, except for Applets, to deliver all resources via my 
own action classes and to use a "protocol" to do it. I now have none of 
these problems. If you want a general solution so that you never have to 
worry about these things again, as people have to almost every day on this 
list, then go to:


At 07:18 AM 6/21/2004, Bob Thomas wrote:
>I have JSPs that work fine using images, stylesheets, etc. from other 
>directories. However, when I put those same JSPs into tiles, the JSPs can 
>no longer find the images, stylesheets, etc. unless I change the paths to 
>those images, etc. These JSPs are in child directories beneath the parent 
>directory which contains the layout JSP. It's acting as if the JSPs are in 
>the parent directory with the layout JSP, instead of the child directories 
>where they actually are. Does anyone know what's happening?
>Thanks in advance,
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