On Sun, 18 Jul 2004 23:56:55 -0400, Rick Reumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Craig McClanahan wrote:
> > For applications you are about to start on, if it is your intent to
> > use the Struts HTML tags for your view tier, you should review that
> > decision in the light of the developments of the last few months,
> > since the JSF spec went final, to say nothing of the availability of
> > alternative view tier technologies (XML, Velocity, ...) that work with
> > Struts as well.  If these tags work for you, that's fine ... but be
> > aware that you are buying in to a mature technology that is unlikely
> > to change much in the future.
> Craig, can you elaborate on this a bit more? I'm confused because if you
> went with a different front end presentation other than JSP and Struts
> HTML form tags, why would it matter that you chose Struts HTML tags for
> the JSP portion?

If you choose Struts HTML tags for your presentation, you're stuck
with what Struts provides.  Since Struts has no user interface
component model of its own, that has led to a variety of ad hoc
solutions for more complicated requirements.

If you choose JSF components, not only are you not stuck with what
Struts provides (because the JSF API standards are common -- and there
will be ***lots*** of third party components built on top of this
standard), you're not stuck with JSP either.  See below for more.

> If you later chose an XML/XSLT or Velocity
> (yuk:)solution for your view you'd end up scrapping the JSPs altogether
> anyway so why would it matter what tags you used to build the JSPs that
> you would be replacing? Or are you basically saying to not even bothr
> using JSPs for a front end view? (I've seen good velocity templates and
> I'll take a *clean* JSP using JSTL and tags over Velocity any day of the
> week). Thanks for your thoughts and all your work on Struts, JSF,
> Tomcat, etc.

The Struts HTML tags are very much specific to JSP ... indeed, their
very implementation is as instances of JSP custom tags.  You can't use
them at all without buying in to JSP as a display technology.  And,
for various reasons, more than a few loudmouths :-) in the Java
community do not like JSP at all.

With JSF, however, the situation is different.  Every JSF component
is, at its core, just a JavaBean ... it doesn't care what technology
is used to ultimately manage the page.  Yes, we provide JSP tag
wrappers around all the standard components (because that addresses
the need of a very large portion of the marketplace), but it's not
required.  The reason is that JSF provides a pluggable ViewHandler
implementation ... the default one does RequestDispatcher.forward()
calls (just like Struts does), making it very easy to use JSP, but
this is by no means required.

You like Tapestry style separation of the component tree definition
from the static HTML text?  That's not hard ... go get Hans's JSF book
and read the last chapter, to get you 80% of the way to a robust
ViewHandler solution.

Maybe you'd prefer XForms?  Go for it ... writing a ViewHandler that
transforms your favorite way of representing a component tree into an
XForms document is MMP (Merely a Matter of Programming :-).

Or, maybe you'd prefer an XML based solution that has all the
component stuff in a single file, and you're contemplating an XSLT
based solution that transforms component definitions into the
corresponding HTML.  Go for it.  (Of, course, if you use the XML
syntax for JSP pages plus JSF component tags, you get this pretty much
for free ... oops, sorry, forgot you might be one of those that
doesn't like JSP :-).

The basic point is, JSF is not restricted to using JSP as the view
tier ... although, for obvious market share reasons (the number of
current Java developers that use JSP dwarfs the number that use other
view technologies) JSF makes this very easy.

> --
> Rick


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