
I am sceptical about this technology but potentially it could be good. I'm going to look at JSF in 6 months
or a years time when it is clearer if this is going to be another timewaster/project wrecker or something
usefull and useable.

In the meantime I recomend NitroX as well although I don't like the companys "patent pending" bs about
their "app x ray" technology....

Things like that don't make me particularly enthusiastic as someone who has to constantly worry about
software patents when I'm writing a LGPL app/using a linux server.


Mike Duffy wrote:

I have some questions regarding the development process when using JSF, especially in realtion to
HTML designers. Will everyone on the team need the same advanced design tools? Will the
designers who are used to tweaking HTML/JSP be restricted to a completely visual drag and drop
environment? Or even worse, will the HTML designers be required to learn JSF mark up code?

There was another thread a few weeks ago relating to the general development process.  
Like many
others, we have gotten used to the process where the HTML designers mock up a page and 
then a
software engineer transition the page to a JSP and wires it into our system (using 
Struts, and
JSTL).  What is the vision for the development process in JSF?

Also, what is the ultimate vision for JSF? Do you invision a IDE that can create interfaces on

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