>  If you'd like to see some leading edge Flash, turn up your sound and go to
> http://www.2advanced.com/
That's some pretty cool stuff!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Duffy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 12:58 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: JSF vs Struts - Development Process Questions
> I have some questions regarding the development process when using JSF, especially 
> in realtion to
> HTML designers.  Will everyone on the team need the same advanced design tools?  
> Will the
> designers who are used to tweaking HTML/JSP be restricted to a completely visual 
> drag and drop
> environment? Or even worse, will the HTML designers be required to learn JSF mark up 
> code? 
> There was another thread a few weeks ago relating to the general development 
> process.  Like many
> others, we have gotten used to the process where the HTML designers mock up a page 
> and then a
> software engineer transition the page to a JSP and wires it into our system (using 
> Struts, and
> JSTL).  What is the vision for the development process in JSF?
> Also, what is the ultimate vision for JSF?  Do you invision a IDE that can create 
> interfaces on
> the same level as Flash?  A question asked earlier in this thread:  Will JSF 
> integrate with Flash
> forms?  It would be cool to have one integrated development system that could do it 
> all.
> This thread was started with the question, "If you were starting a project today, 
> what would you
> use, Struts or JSF?"  My answer is, I would use Struts with JSTL and I would 
> purchase the new
> Eclipse based IDE, NitroX (http://www.m7.com/).  We purchased licenses for NitroX 
> after our CTO
> came back from JavaOne.  It looks like the creative people at M7 have done a lot of 
> things right;
> they even have planned support for JSF.  NitroX may very well evolve into the IDE 
> that can do it
> all.  The best thing about NitroX is that it will enable a transition from Struts to 
> JSF if you
> decide to go that route.  The main reason I would choose Struts/JSTL over JSF is 
> that it works
> well within the existing skill sets of most developers and designers.
> I would keep an open mind regarding JSF, especially in regard to high level 
> components that are
> not easily created using JSP/JSTL.  This is the area where JSF could win the game. 
> In the near term, my guess is that the really cool advanced interfaces are going to 
> require Flash.
>  If you'd like to see some leading edge Flash, turn up your sound and go to
> http://www.2advanced.com/
> Mike
> --- Michael McGrady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > At 01:01 AM 7/19/2004, you wrote:
> > >The custom tags that Struts provides (in the html and logic and bean
> > >tag libraries) were a necessary precursor to "out of the box" usage of
> > >Struts, in order to make it possible to adopt the basic MVC
> > >architectural pattenrs.  However, that was *always* a secondary
> > >feature in the original vision -- the important part was separation of
> > >the view tier logic from the business tier logic.
> > >
> > >Craig McClanahan
> > >(Original creator of the Struts framework)
> > 
> > 
> > As an original historical matter, it would be hubris of the highest variety 
> > to question you on this, Craig.  As a historical consequence, however, I 
> > for one think that this turned out to be the more revolutionary result of 
> > struts, leading coding into taglibs in a way not seen before.  The 
> > controller and MVC (of sorts) pattern in Struts existed in all sorts of 
> > forms prior to Struts.  Struts did it better than most, maybe better than 
> > all the rest, and provided a standard that people could code to.  But, 
> > those tags were just a big surprise in the way they hit the market.  I, for 
> > one, now code tags as readily as I code classes.  Not as many, of course, 
> > but they are a definite weapon in my quiver.  A big reason for that is that 
> > I could code using Struts taglib code as a learning and doing mechanism 
> > together.  Blah, blah, blah.  This is not meant to be particularly 
> > profound.  But I did want to give this boost to the tags in Struts.  I 
> > think they have been very important to Java.
> > 
> > Michael
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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