Victor Grazi wrote:

These tags are going to be reused many times throughout our application, and
I prefer to omit this type of decision logic from the jsp pages. Therefore I
think it pays to design custom tags to accomplish what I need.

I have been looking at some of the source code for the various tag handlers
that extend BaseTagHandler, and I see there is a lot going on. I would like
to make sure to leverage all of the functionality included in

I was wondering if there is some documentation out there for creating new
BaseTagHandler extensions, or custom Struts HTML components in general.

I understand how to create taglibs in general, I am asking whether there is
such specific documentation for Struts.

Much thanks/Victor Grazi

My experience is that the easiest, fastest and best thing to do is to look through the source code of the struts tags. The tags are actually fairly simple coding.


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