Yes, I have considered it (and still am). I thought I would first inquire here about possible solutions. If there were some way from within a jsp to instantiate whatever mechanism is being triggered by the struts.xml action element then I thought I might be able to have the best of both worlds.

On 03/07/2012 07:30 AM, Jeffrey Black wrote:
Have you considered a URL Rewrite Filter?


On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 6:28 PM, eelboy<>  wrote:

No -- I'm OK with that.  I'm pretty willing to do anything that is being
asked of me *except* handing over my uri :)  It's a requirement that, for
example, I can have the uri defined as /[some module]/some.jsp (again, as
an example).

Using struts tags relieves me of a lot of work (mostly that I can
re-render the failed input page with all the user's data) but at the
expense it seems of now having the browser address bar as
"something.action" instead of /module/something.jsp.  I thought perhaps
there were ways around having struts re-define the uri's.

On 03/06/2012 07:51 AM, Jeffrey Black wrote:


Are you wanting to leverage the Struts 2 validation framework without
actually having to define an "action" class?


On Mar 5, 2012, at 11:40 AM, eelboy<>   wrote:

I'm very new to struts2 and have two questions that I have not seen
asked/answered in my short time on this list (but also through plenty of
online searching):

(1) Is it possible to invoke form validation without having the URL
being rewritten to xxxx.action?  That is, can i keep my existing JSP urls
but simply "add" struts2 functionality?

(2) Is it possible to manipulate the default value that is displayed for
a specific field?  For example, if the field in question is a signed
integer, but a value of -1 is intended to represent a default (ie, user did
not supply a value) is there any way to not display anything in that field
instead of "-1" - which appears to be the behavior.

Apologies if these questions have been answered before,

Thanks for any info.

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