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Maurizio Cucchiara
We could implement a "most specific take a precedence along the path"
policy (though I don't know how ATM :) ), could you please file an issue on
jira [1]?

On 19 March 2012 08:49, Mounir Benzid <> wrote:

> Am 18.03.2012 20:15, schrieb Maurizio Cucchiara:
>  I don't know how to get this work with annotations, but it looks like that
>> it works using xml (you can control greediness sorting by more specific
>> expression)
>> Twitter     
>> :**cucchiara<>
>> G+          
>> :**107903711540963855921<>
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>> :**mauriziocucchiara<>
>> Maurizio Cucchiara
> It could be sufficiant if the order of the regex pattern in the  java
> class file matters or
> alternativly one should be able to make the pattern matcher itself
> nongreedy by using the ? op.
> I'm not sure though weather the ? notation will work this way.
> Mounir
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