Am 19.03.2012 09:28, schrieb Maurizio Cucchiara:
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Maurizio Cucchiara
We could implement a "most specific take a precedence along the path"
policy (though I don't know how ATM :) ), could you please file an issue on
jira [1]?
Definitely not the best or most elegant solution, but some sort of @matchPriority(A)

where A is a pos. int value (or zero) and if A > B, A fires before B

could do the trick (for now)

Usage scenario:

@Action(value="some/{stuff}", results={@Result(location ="result.jsp")})
public String action1() {....}

@Action(value="some/useful/{stuff}", results={@Result(location ="result.jsp")})
public String action2() {....}

This way the second action method fires before the first one.


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