Thanks Felipe!

I think we must extend RestActionProxyFactory to also add exclude list
of namespaces, eg. "/ajax,/login", thus will allow to work in your

Could you register an issue?

Thanks in advance
+ 48 606 323 122

2013/6/26 Felipe Lorenz <>:
> Hi Lukasz,
> I could identify one plugin wich could be creating this behaviour, the rest 
> plugin.
> Since I have this configuration:
>>> <constant name="struts.mapper.class" 
>>> value="org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.mapper.PrefixBasedActionMapper"/>
>>> <constant name="struts.mapper.prefixMapping" 
>>> value=":rest,/ajax:struts,/login:struts"/>
> I expect that, when I request the following url 
>, struts should handle this call. But 
> instead, RestActionProxyFactory is handle this call.
> But the RestActionProxyFactory class has a if, and every time the namespace 
> attribute is injected with "/ajax" value. So the condition always is redirect 
> to the rest plugin handler and not to the struts default.
> Here is my ActionProxyFactory implementation:
> public class CustomActionProxyFactory extends RestActionProxyFactory {
>         @Override
>         public ActionProxy createActionProxy(String namespace, String 
> actionName, String methodName, Map<String, Object> extraContext, boolean 
> executeResult, boolean cleanupContext) {
>                 RestActionProxyFactory p = new RestActionProxyFactory();
>                 p.setContainer(container);
>                 if ("/ajax".equals(namespace)) {
>                         p.setNamespace("/idealogic");
>                 }
>                 return p.createActionProxy(namespace, actionName, methodName, 
> extraContext, executeResult, cleanupContext);
>         }
> }
> By some reason, it fixed the origin behaviour.
> I hope it could help you.
> Thanks,
> Felipe Lorenz
> Em 26/06/2013, às 04:45, Lukasz Lenart escreveu:
>> As I understand you use <s:action executeResult="false"/> ? Which
>> means result named "json" shouldn't be executed, you can even remove
>> it.
>> Regards
>> --
>> Łukasz
>> + 48 606 323 122
>> 2013/6/22 Felipe Lorenz <>:
>>> Hello Lukasz,
>>> I still facing this behaviour. Even with 2.3.16-SNAPSHOT.
>>> One thing that make me thing, was the flush attribute. When it is true, the 
>>> json result (the string) appear in the position where the action tag is in 
>>> the jsp. But, when I change it to false, the result appears in the top os 
>>> my page.
>>> One workaround that I can use is return a result name that is no defined in 
>>> the struts.xml. This workaround throw an exception, since struts could no 
>>> find my result name, but my list is populated and no result from this 
>>> action tag appear in my page.
>>> I hope this information can help.
>>> Also, I am printing my config:
>>> struts.xml:
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
>>> <!DOCTYPE struts PUBLIC
>>>        "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.3//EN"
>>>        "";>
>>> <struts order="10">
>>>        <constant name="struts.devMode" value="false" />
>>>        <constant name="struts.action.extension" value=",json,xhtml,xml"/>
>>>        <constant name="struts.convention.action.mapAllMatches" value="true" 
>>> />
>>>        <constant name="struts.convention.default.parent.package" 
>>> value="default"/>
>>>        <constant name="struts.custom.i18n.resources" value="global" />
>>>        <constant name="struts.mapper.class" 
>>> value="org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.mapper.PrefixBasedActionMapper"/>
>>>        <constant name="struts.mapper.prefixMapping" 
>>> value=":rest,/ajax:struts,/login:struts"/>
>>>        <package name="default" extends="rest-default">
>>>                <interceptors>
>>>                        <interceptor 
>>> class="" name="login"/>
>>>                        <interceptor 
>>> class="" name="permissao"/>
>>>                        <interceptor 
>>> class="" name="idioma"/>
>>>                        <interceptor 
>>> class="" name="jpa"/>
>>>                        <interceptor-stack name="jpaStack">
>>>                                <interceptor-ref name="login"/>
>>>                                <interceptor-ref name="permissao"/>
>>>                                <interceptor-ref name="idioma"/>
>>>                                <interceptor-ref name="jpa"/>
>>>                                <interceptor-ref name="restDefaultStack"/>
>>>                        </interceptor-stack>
>>>                </interceptors>
>>>                <default-interceptor-ref name="jpaStack"/>
>>>                <default-action-ref 
>>> name="login_sistema"></default-action-ref>
>>>                <global-results>
>>>                        <result name="login">/login.jsp</result>
>>>                        <result name="forbidden">/forbidden.jsp</result>
>>>                </global-results>
>>>        </package>
>>>        <include file="struts-ajax.xml"/>
>>>        <include file="struts-login.xml"/>
>>>        <include file="struts-filtro.xml"/>
>>> </struts>
>>> struts-ajax.xml
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>> <!DOCTYPE struts PUBLIC
>>> "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN"
>>> "";>
>>> <struts>
>>>        <package name="ajax" extends="json-default" namespace="/ajax">
>>>                <interceptors>
>>>                        <interceptor 
>>> class="" name="jpa"/>
>>>                        <interceptor-stack name="jpaJsonStack">
>>>                                <interceptor-ref name="jpa"/>
>>>                                <interceptor-ref 
>>> name="jsonValidationWorkflowStack"/>
>>>                        </interceptor-stack>
>>>                </interceptors>
>>>                <default-interceptor-ref name="jpaJsonStack"/>
>>>                <action name="loadCidadeByEstado" 
>>> method="loadCidadeByEstado" 
>>> class="">
>>>                        <result name="json" type="json">
>>>                                <param name="includeProperties">
>>>                                        ^cidades\[\d+\]\.idCidade,
>>>                                        ^cidades\[\d+\]\.nmCidade
>>>                                </param>
>>>                        </result>
>>>                </action>
>>>        </package>
>>> </struts>
>>> Thanks for all your help!
>>> Felipe Lorenz
>>> Em 22/06/2013, às 04:27, Lukasz Lenart escreveu:
>>>> 2013/6/22 Litman, Bruno <>:
>>>>> We are also experiencing issues with tags and theme files, we are 
>>>>> upgrading many applications from to
>>>>> I am not sure if this is related - if not and if I need to start a new 
>>>>> discussion please let me know and accept my apology.
>>>>> 1/
>>>>> We previously always coded forms as :
>>>>>       <s:form action="login" namespace="/">....
>>>>> Now randomly, this fails to generate the proper action url in the html 
>>>>> (it is missing the '.action', which results in a 404 once you post the 
>>>>> form)
>>>>> The only workaround we have found so far is to add the '.action' suffix 
>>>>> to the s:form's action attribute. Before it was always added for us by 
>>>>> struts.
>>>>> So now we are having success with
>>>>>       <s:form action="login.action" namespace="/">...
>>>>> Is this expected behavior? Did this change recently? is not so 
>>>>> ancient..
>>>> No, it isn't - mainly a bug - Struts should add suffix for you, you
>>>> basically use the same action names as defined in struts.xml. This is
>>>> very strange, I have just tested with struts2-blank on Jetty and
>>>> suffix was there. Could you share more details about the config?
>>>>> 2/
>>>>> We are trying to replace the "required" attribute in the textfields with 
>>>>> "requiredLabel" without success. Was the xhtml theme's ftl file 
>>>>> "controlheader_core" updated to reflect the changes in the 
>>>>> struts-tags.tld (requiredLabel replaced required)?
>>>> You are right, it is bug :\ Please fill an issue
>>>>> Also, it seems applications are randomly serving ftl files from other 
>>>>> applications' theme folders with the same name.
>>>>> This was demonstrated by modifying something obvious in one application's 
>>>>> ftl file (displaying some text next to a text field's label), and the 
>>>>> effect can be seen randomly on other applications which shouldn’t even 
>>>>> see that application's template folder (the themes are however named the 
>>>>> same in both applications)
>>>>> I am only able to make the "requiredLabel" attribute work if placed in a 
>>>>> <s:param> tag as opposed to being just an attribute of the s:textfield 
>>>>> tag, but even so it is still not always using the same ftl files (however 
>>>>> always from similarly named themes placed inside each application)
>>>>> This is extremely confusing. Is FreeMarker caching files independently of 
>>>>> the application? Is the app container interfering with caching? (We are 
>>>>> using Resin 4.0.36)
>>>> Hmmm... very strange behaviour, it will be hard to find the source of
>>>> the problem. Maybe it is related to new ContainerHolder and how Resin
>>>> is managing threads - but I'm not sure :\
>>>> Regards
>>>> --
>>>> Łukasz
>>>> + 48 606 323 122
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