I have not heard of the 80/20 view. I definitely spend the majority of my time coding: I would be more like 10/90. However, on most design issues, the ideas in circulation are the ones I use and I don't have to reinvent the axel. (Why people talk about reinventing the wheel is a mystery to me. Any idiot can invent the wheel. The axel, now that is another matter.)


Woodchuck wrote:

i agree. i have also unexpectedly found benefits from this too. i try
to do my best to organize my code and adhere to the principle of
separating business logic from presentation logic (model from view). i'll be the first to admit that this is hard and not obvious from the
get go most of the time, but i try. i still believe in 80/20 rule
where 80 should be design and 20 should be actual coding. it is quite
conceivable to me that if you've thought out a very good design that it
could be even 95/5! :) there is nothing quite as enjoyable as
whipping through code because the design was great and everything falls
into place as planned.

someone else also mentioned a good point earlier. if the code begs to
have scriptlets then it maybe a sign that there is something wrong with
the design of the page, assuming the scriptlet was not trivial but
contained some degree of business logic in it.

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