What is the benefit of the hidden frame? I guess that you can submit an entire form ... however, most of the time I only need to drop an ID as a request parameter. I dynamically populate select lists like this:

Use an onchange or onclick JavaScript listener to call a JavaScript function that submits the form to a Struts Action. In the Action, perform the necessary business logic to construct a new collection for the select options, then forward control back to the original JSP page. Example 3-11 shows a JSP page that submits the form to an Action when the user clicks a radio button. The value of the radio button is passed to the Action as a request parameter.

Example 3-11. Submitting a form using JavaScript
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
  <title>Struts – JavaScript Example</title>
  <script language="JavaScript">
     function getOptions(control) {
        form = control.form;
        form.action = "SetOptions.do?someProp=";
        form.action += control.value;
  <html:form action="ProcessMyForm">
      <html:radio property="someProp1" value="val1"
                   onclick="getOptions(this);"/> Value 1<br/>
      <html:radio property="language" value="val2"
                   onclick="getOptions(this);"/> Value 2<br/>
      <html:select property="someProp2">
         <html:optionsCollection property="prop2Values"/>

Bill Siggelkow


Don't have any code handy, but it's quite straightforward:

- create a hidden frame
- on the select's onchange() do a submit on a form in the hidden frame to
an action that gets the information from the database, passing in the
relevant parameter
- have the action forward to a jsp which is just a javascript call to
update the other select box - probably easiest just to delete the select
box options, iterate through the through the collection returned and for
each one create a javascript call on the other frame that adds an option
for it

let me know if you have any qu's.



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