Jim Barrows wrote:

Nope, they wouldn't be included with Tomcat... and yes you need the struts distribution, and the source code to.. so you can step through it. Not just while you're learning, but after you've mastered it as well.

And that's where things start to get slightly "murky" w/respect to figuring out am I doing something wrong [very likely], what am I doing wrong [if I'm doing something wrong] or what's broken [if I'm not doing anything wrong].

So with Struts very new to me [as developer], Tomcat somewhere between slightly to moderately familiar from a system admin's point of view [e.g. have to drop WAR files in place for some admin tools and see that they run] and Java moderately familiar [but not from use in a webapp framework like Struts] along with 30 to 40 other programming languages that I currently or have previously worked with, I've got the following components to deal with:

1)  Java as a language, including various versions of the JDK & JRE.

2)  Struts as a framework

3)  Tomcat as a servlet container

4)  Multiple operating systems.

5)  Eclipse as the base IDE

6)  MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench & Ant as plug-ins to Eclipse.

7) Platform-specific distributions of Tomcat, each with their own caveats w/respect to configuration of the O.S. environment in which Tomcat will run. Add in minor to possibly major differences depending on who prepares the Tomcat distribution and factor in the JDK/JRE version differences as well.

8)  JVM remote debug configuration.

When I sum it all up, one stupid mistake on my part or one very subtle difference in the O.S. environment or a platform-specific implementation detail can wreak one hell of a lot of havoc. Even with a good level of experience with doing Usenet searches with Google it can be a daunting task to find the correct reference resources at times to make my understanding of things click into place. And, given the broad scope of sources from which the various components come from, the knowledge base underlying it all for FAQs & support is fractured & fragmented to a great degree. So it isn't just learning one new thing, such as just a new language or a new framework with a known language, it is learning several new things at the same time. The last time I checked, human beings are equiped to juggle approximately 6 to 8 concurrent tasks if they are well organized. That much new material at any given time is likely to be daunting to anybody until the eureka lightbulb starts to shine.

Things are starting to mesh together now, especially since I got my remote debug configuration working between Eclipse & Tomcat. I'll take the struts-examples.war file and run it to death in the debugger and see what else falls into place, too, and then my understanding should be improved.

-- Chuck Chopp

ChuckChopp (at) rtfmcsi (dot) com http://www.rtfmcsi.com

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