Sorry I made a mistake. I should have written this way:
Wrong, you can ALSO (besides a Tiles definition) forward to a JSP page or
to a servlet (used in StrutsCX) or
to another action or to nothing at all (e.g. if you build the
HttpServletResponse manually).
That is, you can build the response without forwarding to another
Notice that the HttoServletResponse is passed through a parameter in the
"execute" method of Action.
Sorry again

Antonio Petrelli

Michael McGrady wrote:

>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> is ther any way I can forward to a tile-definition?
>>> That is the only way you can ever get to a page at all in Struts, so
>> answer has to be "Yes".
>> Wrong, you can forward to a JSP page or to a servlet (used in StrutsCX)
>> to another action or to nothing at all (e.g. if you build the
>> manually).
>> Ciao
>> Antonio Petrelli
> I do suspect that, when you build the HttpServletRequest manually, you
are not doing so with Struts.  Can you please tell me how building an
HttpServletRequest manually is doing it "in Struts"?  Ciao3!
> Michael

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