> >Well, if you look at this line:
> >
> >    newAction = '<html:rewrite page="/'+action+'.do"/>';
> >
> >It looks like JavaScript is being used to generate an
> >
> I read this as trying to use <html:rewrite/> to generate JavaScript.  

Considering that "action" was a parameter passed to a javascript

Here's the original code:

function swapAction( formName, action) {
     formAction = document.getElementById( formName ).action;
     newAction = '<html:rewrite page="/'+action+'.do"/>';
     document.getElementById( formName ).action = newAction;

> If you are right that the opposite is the case, I see your point.
> I am reasonably sure that Rick did not make that mistake.  I assumed 
> he did not.

Yeah, I'm right.  That no one sees it is blowing my mind ... sorry, I
can't let it die.

> Michael McGrady

- Dave

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