Rick and David,


I cannot see what you are getting at, David. What is the problem? I ran your code without incident. I assume that the result is what Rick wants. Please state what you think the problem is. Apparently you don't think the problem is JavaScript will have to run taglib code, because there is none of that there. Are you just dissatisfied with what the value of the <html:rewrite> is?


Any way, I have something else on this. Rick, I have written a class I call SimpleDispatchAction which allows you to use links, submits, and images with the same code without involving struts-config.xml in the process. I put it up at http://wiki.apache.org/struts/StrutsCatalogSimpleDispatchAction if you want to see it. All you have to do is to make sure that the name in your name value pair ends with .x. So


<a href='update.do?update.x=update'>UPDATE</a>
<a href='update.do?update.x=delete'>DELETE</a>


<input type='submit' name='update.x' value='update'>UPDATE
<input type='submit' name='delete.x' value='delete'>DELETE

   *IMAGES:*<input type='image' name='update' src='update.gif'>
   <input type='image' name='delete' src='update.gif'>

all work in this case without any value for the parameter attribute in DispatchAction or LookupDispatchAction. Does this do the job for you? Notice that you can change the update.x, for example, to method.update.x if you want to do the localization thing as in LookupDispatchAction. I probabley should do that next, if you don't find something amiss here.

Michael McGrady

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