I'm guessing David's getting at how to properly construct a request-time value
for a tag attribute. If you're using a scripting expression, everything must be
contained within "<%=" and "%>". If you're using an EL-enabled tag, then you
can do something like: "/${action}.do" (assuming "action" is a scoped

Quoting Michael McGrady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Rick and David,
> I cannot see what you are getting at, David.  What is the problem?  I 
> ran your code without incident.  I assume that the result is what Rick 
> wants.  Please state what you think the problem is.  Apparently you 
> don't think the problem is JavaScript will have to run taglib code, 
> because there is none of that there.  Are you just dissatisfied with 
> what the value of the <html:rewrite> is?
> Any way, I have something else on this.  Rick, I have written a class I 
> call SimpleDispatchAction which allows you to use links, submits, and 
> images with the same code without involving struts-config.xml in the 
> process.  I put it up at 
> http://wiki.apache.org/struts/StrutsCatalogSimpleDispatchAction if you 
> want to see it.  All you have to do is to make sure that the name in 
> your name value pair ends with .x.  So
>     *LINKS:*
> <a href='update.do?update.x=update'>UPDATE</a>
> <a href='update.do?update.x=delete'>DELETE</a>
> <input type='submit' name='update.x' value='update'>UPDATE
> <input type='submit' name='delete.x' value='delete'>DELETE
>     *IMAGES:*<input type='image' name='update' src='update.gif'>
>     <input type='image' name='delete' src='update.gif'>
> all work in this case without any value for the parameter attribute in 
> DispatchAction or LookupDispatchAction.  Does this do the job for you?  
> Notice that you can change the update.x, for example, to method.update.x 
> if you want to do the localization thing as in LookupDispatchAction.  I 
> probabley should do that next, if you don't find something amiss here.
> Michael McGrady

Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <http://www.dotech.com/>

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