I usually use http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=struts-user

as the main archive of struts-user that I search. It seems to work best out of the available options.


Terry Roe wrote:


I, too, am disappointed that none of the mailing list searches for The Apache Software Foundation appear to work. Given the fact that one "should not" post a question until one has attempted a thorough search for an answer, it seems utterly ridiculous that you can't do a search through the mailing list. I've seen many other people complain about this issue, but I have not been able to find a good explanation as to why it isn't enabled. You can try www.mail-arhcive.com to search first for Struts mailing lists and then search within the mailing list of your choice for messages. I have yet to find a really excellent way to search through Apache mailing lists, but I'd sure appreciate it if someone could make some good suggestions.


Geeta Ramani wrote:

Hi Nick/all:

This may be relevant to this topic, but the "Search" feature for the
Struts archives seems to be broken..? I just get a "Text search not
available for this list" regardless of what I do/how I search. I used
this link:

http://mail-archives.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks and regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Heudecker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 2:04 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Off Topic Post Air Time vs. Struts Answers


I agree with you that struts-user is mostly noise, although you
phrased it much better than I did.  I know it's frustrating to have
your question go unanswered, but I really don't think it's
intentional.  There is so much cruft on this list, with the same
questions asked repeatedly, that your question probably just fell
through the cracks.

The vast majority of the questions here should be posted on the JDC
forums.  If people would do that, and make even the most basic attempt
to check the archives and/or Google, the number of off-topic posts
would fall.

I guess I'll wait to see how many angry responses I get. :)

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