Terry Roe wrote:


I, too, am disappointed that none of the mailing list searches for The Apache Software Foundation appear to work. Given the fact that one "should not" post a question until one has attempted a thorough search for an answer, it seems utterly ridiculous that you can't do a search through the mailing list. I've seen many other people complain about this issue, but I have not been able to find a good explanation as to why it isn't enabled. You can try www.mail-arhcive.com to search first for Struts mailing lists and then search within the mailing list of your choice for messages. I have yet to find a really excellent way to search through Apache mailing lists, but I'd sure appreciate it if someone could make some good suggestions.


No problems at http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/ . I agree that somehow the address of this should be more readily available, but, Geesch, this is open source. Some of htis is getting to sound pretty whiny.

Michael McGrady

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