Ooops, Rick! I made an error speeding on this. Let me work on it and get back to you later.


Michael McGrady wrote:

Rick Reumann wrote:

Hey, yes that is pretty cool.

Hi, Rick,

Your notes on links confuse me a bit. Let me consider what confuses me and then we can go from there.

You said ". . . MappingDispatchAction has . . . a cetnralized place to decide what method is called based on the action name." I understand this to mean that a different method is called for different action names. Is that right? That seems odd, since the MappingDispatchAction is an action. So, if you called a different MappingDispatchAction, you would, presumably, call a different action but the same method name. Is this right? Did you mean to say that?


You said "If I decide I want . . . links to go a different dispatch method I simply change the parameter name in my struts-config for the mapping for 'fooBar'". You are, I assume, thinking of the following sort of case:

|<action path="/createSubscription" type="org.example.SubscriptionAction"
<forward name="success" path="/editSubscription.jsp"/>

<action path="/editSubscription" type="org.example.SubscriptionAction"
<forward name="success" path="/editSubscription.jsp"/>


Suppose that SubscriptionAction is a SimpleDispatchAction subclass. Just put a ".x" after the parameter names, and SimpleDispatchActions do exactly the same thing as your MappingDispatchActions.

However, that just makes SimpleDispatchAction as powerful as MappingDispatchAction, it is actually more powerful. What you have to do is not advisable, I think. What you suggest doing is, I would suggest, a very bad idea. You are thinking of changing the mapping so that the following code <c:url var="url" value="/"/><a href="${url}">[ editSubscription]</a> does something other than edit a subscription. This is not, I would suggest, a good idea.
What normally you would want when you want a link to initiate a different command/operation is to have the link exhibit that change on the page. The beauty of SimpleDispatchAction is that you can do this and change nothing else. (You also only have to have one action mapping rather than the melange of mappings usually required by a MappingDispatchAction.) If you want to create rather than edit a subscription, in SimpleDispatchAction you go from:

<c:url var="url" value="/"/><a href="${url}">[ edit]</a>


<c:url var="url" value="/"/><a href="${url}">[ create]</a>

If you don't want to do this, you can use a variable for the value of the url. I do that all the time. I hard code very, very little on a page.
Does this answer make any sense to you?

Michael McGrady


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