I'll add my 2 p/cents/yen to this one-

I'm in the "outside of the WebApp's file system" crowd (a directory on the
same level with WebApp's since Tomcat doesn't know anything else. I could
make a link if I had to to some other place more convenient.

So unless the server allows for a "/../" in a requested url, no amount of
"Guess That URL!" playing will work, or that seems to be my impression after
a fair bit of trying to break it.

When I want the browser to be sent a file, I retrieve the data with a struts
action that checks for application level access privs to it. How the files
get fed thru that are entirely within my control/mistake range.

If someone knows how to break this, please say so :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael McGrady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 4:42 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Where Is the Best Place To Store Files?

Durham David R Jr Contr 805 CSPTS/SCE wrote:

>I personally opt to store uploaded files outside of the web-app's
>file-system altogether.  This has to do with how easy it is to serve up
>content with Java (and other languages, I'm sure) and the need to
>physically separate the application's persistent data from the
>application code.  This has to do with deployment and backup processes,
>- Dave

There is a lot of sense in doing this, as well.

I don't do it and opt for inside WEB-INF because of business reasons
having to do with operating system independence that are special
requirements.  This might be your most sensible option.  I am fairly
clear in my mind that, if you have gone far enough to use a framework
like Struts, that you don't want to expose any resources outside your
control.  Others, maybe Dave, would disagree, and maybe they are right.

Michael McGrady

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