Yes, it is rather confusing. I wasted *many* hours with this issue the first time it hit me!

Another poster also stated that putting the property name as "ECoupon" in the JSP would work - and thats because with a getter getECoupon() that IS the real property name (like your saying in the last line of your email).

Iirc the bean property capitalisation rules - which also cover multiple capital letters in a row - mean there is no equivalant getter for the property "eCoupon", instead its "ECoupon" that maps to the getter "getECoupon". So the fact here is that your _not_ naming your property "eCoupon" - your naming it "ECoupon"! :-)

(The internal varioable name might be eCoupon, but it could equally well be foo or bob, or anything - it doesnt matter for the determination of the property name and as far as code that works with JavaBeans is concerned that property is called "ECoupon" and not "eCoupon".

Daniel Perry wrote:

This is confusing.  The bean spec / article is talking about going from a
method name into a property name.  The problem here is the other way round.

Eg, decapitalise method->property will convert: getECoupon -> ECoupon
But it doesnt mention property->method capitalise: eCoupon -> getECoupon /

I think the assumption has been made that if youre going to go from
getECoupon ->ECoupon that you must go from ECoupon->getECoupon and therefore

However the spec doesnt say that this should be a reversible process, so why
not eCoupon->getECoupon


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 14 December 2004 14:01
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: ??? property naming convention problem

Sure is mate!. Its all in the javabean specs

This post should enlighten you further:

And for another getter/setter 'gotcha' you can read this thread through


Vinod Easaw Varghese wrote:


   I have a textbox in a JSP whose property has been named as eCoupon.
I have created the necessary ActionForm with the necessary setter and
getter methods such as setECoupon and getECoupon.
   When I run submit the form within the corresponding JSP I get the
error message not able to find the corresponding getter method for
property eCoupon
   The moment I changed the property name to ecoupon and made the
necessary adjustments within the ActionForm all began to work well.

Is there a property naming convention to be followed in STRUTS

With thanks and Regards

Vinod Easaw Varghese

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