I have the following problem with scope and tiles.  The whole point of this
is to be able to put a holder around items presented in a list on the page
to give better delineation. Here is what I am attempting to do.

<logic:iterate id="quote" property="quoteValues">      
          <bean:write name="quote" property="size"/>

I would like to define the following tile definition:

<definition extends=".table.holder" name=".quote">
  <put name="content" value="/quote.jsp"/>

And have quote.jsp as follows:
      <bean:write name="quote" property="size"/>

And then switch the page to the following:

<logic:iterate id="quote" property="quoteValues">      
   <tiles:insert definition=".quote" flush="false"/>

I always get Cannot find bean quote in any scope no matter what I do.  I
have tried many variations of <tiles:useAttribute/> and
<tiles:mportAttribute/>.  I do not want to want to simply pass a string to
the tile.  I need to be able to make any bean availble to other tiles
inserted into a page.  I would greatly appreciate any advice on how to make
this available to my subtiles.

Thank you for your time, 

Jason Long
CEO and Chief Software Engineer
BS Physics, MS Chemical Engineering

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