On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 23:35:43 -0500, Frank W. Zammetti
> Craig, just wanted to mention that Thunderbird thought your message was
> junk.  You haven't gotten into a fight with anyone on that development
> team lately, have you?!? :)  (Don't worry, I set it straight regardless!)

Talk to the Google folks, since I use Gmail :-).

> Craig McClanahan wrote:
>  > What you describe is pretty much what the Wiki is for
>  > (http://wiki.apache.org/struts).
> I'm not sure I agree with that... I would certainly agree that the Wiki
> COULD be used for this purpose, but I know for me at least, when I think
> of the Wiki I think of a place I can go to find an answer to a question.
>   I view it as something of a FAQ that anyone can contribute to (which I
> suppose is almost the actual definition of Wiki!).  But if I found
> myself wondering whether an item on my own wish list was an idea shared
> by others and might be actually in development by someone, I wouldn't
> think of the Wiki as the place to go for an answer.
> Maybe its just a matter of me not looking at it properly though :)
> One could argue that the mailing list(s) serve this purpose, but I think
> its too easy to miss things on the list.

I hope you're not missing my main point ... the process by which
collaboration occurs is irrelevant if only words and not code is
shared.  That's why wish lists (in any form) are pretty useless unless
they are backed up with action.

Mailing lists have served the Struts developers just fine in the
almost five years that Struts has been in existence.  That doesn't
mean other technologies might not have been helpful, or worked better.
 It just means that Struts is what it is because people acted by
creating something, rather than only talking about creating something
(or, only talking about something they wish someone *else* would
create for them :-).


PS:  The more formal way to request an enhancement, of course, is to
use the issue tracking system:  http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla

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