At 9:37 AM -0500 3/8/05, Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
No Joe, you didn't miss anything :)  I was already thinking about how easy
this would be under 1.3 too.  But, I'm hesitant to start playing with 1.3
until it's actually released (at least in beta).  This is an easy add to
1.3, as you indicate, and I'm also looking forward to porting my StrutsWS
project over to it since I think that will be a nice demonstration of why
chain is cool.  I just don't want to start playing with something that
isn't really stabilized yet (close thought, right?).

And besides, something like this seems to be getting a fair amount of
interest, so someone would eventually want to back-port it if I started
with 1.3.  Since we both believe it will be quite easy under 1.3, why not
start with the 1.x branch where it's a bit more work? :)

I do think we're pretty close, although not much has happened since the last wave of "what will 1.3.0 be" discussions. I know I haven't had much time for development and documentation in the last few weeks.

I guess I was just wondering how you were going to deal with some considerable changes to the XML configuration syntax. Certainly, it's possible to add Digester rules to handle XML extensions, and you could probably get away with simply leaving out a DOCTYPE declaration so as to avoid validation problems. (Extending the DTD is probably more trouble than its worth.)

Then again, undertaking a new initiative in which people are interested using 1.3.0 functionality would help us to get people testing and verifying that code, which is an unglamorous but critical part of development.


Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction" -The Ex

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