You would usually do prepopulation in a setup form.  Which scope you
place the form in depends on how you configure the action that the
form will be submitted to.  For example, if you have "/"
and "/", where submitForm is configured as:

<action path="/submitForm" name="myForm" ...>....</action>

Then in the action for showPage, you'd:

    ModuleConfig moduleConfig =
    FormBeanConfig formBeanConfig = moduleConfig.findFormBeanConfig("myForm");
    DynaActionForm myForm = (DynaActionForm)
    request.getSession().setAttribute("myForm", myForm);

If you want to use request scope, change /submitForm to:
<action path="/submitForm" name="myForm" scope="request"...>....</action>

then in showPage:
    request.setAttribute("myForm", myForm);


On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 09:18:15 -0700, Schuster Joel M Contr ESC/NDC
> I've read a number of articles about correct pre-populate forms methods,
> including the following:
> 1.
> <>
> 2.
> <>
> 3.
> p1
> <
> ep1>
> I have some questions.
> The first article does not talk specifics about how Lazy-Loading would be
> implemented.
> The second doesn't talk about how the actual pre-population would be
> implemented in the action.
> And the third does it in a way that's different from how others do it.
> Here's what I've gotten so far...
> There are two different ways that I see to do it.
> 1.      Load the FormBean up in the constructor.
> a.      This does not work in Dyna*Forms since there's no actual
> implementation
> b.      This then moves the logic to the actual form bean which is not where
> it's supposed to be.
> 2.      Load the FormBean in a precursor Action
> a.      This works well but every example I've seen then does something like
> this:
> Request.getSession().setAttribute( '"formBean", bean);
> This seems like a bad idea since it places the bean into the session scope.
> I've tried doing this by putting it directly into request but of course the
> jsp then doesn't have access to it because the request on the Action is not
> in the same scope as the 'form'.jsp
> So I guess I'm at a loss on how best to pre-populate Dyna*Forms. Examples
> that have worked from your experience would be appreciated.

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