I think this is where our school of thought parts ways.  Network transmission 
is fininte, session usage lives as long as the user is on the site and session 
not expired.  So if 400 people get a direct mailer and hit the site to sign up 
thats 400 people using portion of memory on a server. If half of them walk away 
to go eat lunch for a half an hour, thats 200 sessions sittin there for no 
reason.  A fractionally slower page load is ok.  A server running out of memory 
is not.   By your rational would you also store a user's shopping cart in the 

Action forms write out html for you.  What if i wanted to put style attribs in 
my form tags or use javascript for submission wrappers on the button clicks, or 
stuff like that.  Didn't think I could do that with action forms.  I like 100% 
control of the code on the presentation layer.  Again, just my preference, but 
I think the framework should write no html  at all and should just pass data up 
to the view.

And yeah im using c:out into POHTML tags.  Bletch all ya want, i still think 
its a better way to go than action forms.  My struts-config is nice and small 
too :) 


Brian McGovern wrote:

>I see your points but I disagree.  I try to keep session use to an ABSOLUTE 
>minimum, because each session is stored in server memory and with every 
>current user filling out form there is a change, be it slight or not, that the 
>server will slow down or crash.  I know it might be less desireable from a 
>maintenance perspective buy my time and effort in development is a lesser 
>concern weighed against the performance of a productions system.  I totally 
>understand that this probably won't happen, but planning for the worst case is 
>never a bad idea.
But isn't the server sending all those hidden form fields as well? And 
network transmission is certainly slower than memory access.

Just sayin', is all.

>I don't use action forms because I dont like em.  No real reason other than 
>that.  I think action forms don't provide any real benefit if you are 
>proficient in html and want precise to the pixel control of style on the 
>presentation layer.  Just my personal preference.  
What do ActionForms have to do with the presentation layer and control 
over layout?!

In any case, how are you pre-populating your forms, then? Scriptlets? 
Embedding c:out (or equiv.) into POHTML input tags? Bletcherous.


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