My high school had mostly reformed teachers.  One once said, with
pride, that there had been no one in the trunk of his car for quite a

On 6/1/05, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > (yes, my school actually had Fortran, COBOL and Pascal classes!)
> Your *high school* had multiple courses on different programming
> languages? My high school ('secondary school' actually, I'm originally
> from England) had exactly one 'O'-level computer course and one
> 'A'-level course. There might bave been a pre--'O'-level required course
> too...
> Any which way, my first computer related course in school was so basic I
> walked away and never looked back until I got to university and realised
> that I was skipping too many physics classes to play around in the
> computer labs :-)
> I'm guessing (from other posts in this thread) you're a little older
> than I am. That would make your high school pretty impressively
> forard-looking...!
> L.
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