You should ensure your mapping scope is indeed 'request' e.g.
//Test for presence of attribute in Map
if (mapping.getAttribute() != null)
//Test that mapping is indeed scoped as request
if ("request".equals(mapping.getScope()))
{ //remove the attribute from the request
{ //acquire session
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
//remove the attribute from your request

I did not see the code for your edit function so I cannot comment on that

----- Original Message ----- From: "Rivka Shisman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 9:28 AM
Subject: problem with removing form bean

Hi all

I have a very annoying problem with a form bean:

I'm working with WSAD v6.0 (RAD v6.0) and struts v1.2.4

When creating a new Item I call EditItemAction (mehod create)

The ItemForm is created and the passed to editItem.jsp

From there it arrives to SaveItemAction (method create)

and if the item was successfully saved it is returned with a success
message to EditItemAction (method create) - to enable the user to create
another item.

The problem is that when I get the input form the second time - it still
shows the data of the first Item that was created before, i.e. the form
bean is not removed.

In SaveItemAction i do :



                       return (mapping.findForward("create_success"));

I know that the request that arrives to EditItemAction is the one I sent
from SaveItemAction because the attribute "MessageKey" arrives properly.

But for some reason, the ItemForm bean is not removed as I requested.

The scope in the struts-config is request and I also checked by printing
mapping.getScope() which was also request.

I really really need help with this one



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