On 7/6/05, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If by some chance you are, PLEASE do not advise the newbies to do this.
> > This totally defeats the pupose of what ActionForms should be used for
> > and will create all kinds of maintenance headaches, never mind the fact
> > that it's really bad design.
> Can you explain why is it so bad, besides that it is "bad design" and
> "defeats pupose of what ActionForms should be used for"? What
> ActionForms should be used for, anyway? It is just a class, which has
> a simple lifecycle, maintained by Struts. Why the religious fear of
> not doing something against how it "should be used for"? If it works,
> why not?

Here's the last paragraph of the JavaDoc for the reset() method
(emphasis in original):

"This method is *not* the appropriate place to initialize form value
for an "update" type page (this should be done in a setup Action). You
mainly need to worry about setting checkbox values to false; most of
the time you can leave this method unimplemented."

You say the ActionForm is "just a class" with "a simple lifecycle". 
That "lifecycle" is more than just a sequence of method invocations,
but also the expected behavior of each of those invocations.  The
documentation ("lifecycle specification") clearly defines that the
only behavior that is expected during the invocation of the reset()
method is to set checkbox values to false.

-- Jeff

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