Daniel Perry wrote the following on 7/6/2005 12:49 PM:
Hah, it's the business use of web/email they fire you for. Go read your
terms of employment, and the reference to "IT acceptible use policy" that
you inadvertantly agreed to.

(the below has nothing to do with Mark)..

For the record, I'm not against an employer firing an employee for 'whatever' reason they deem fit. If they don't like the way you wear your hair, I think they should have the right to fire you if they want. (The public also has a right to know about it based on the use of the press etc).

Personally, if I owned a company and someone was using the company email domain name to post on sites such as "swingers" or "transvestitepride," I think I should have right to terminate his or her's employment. What I have a problem with is ...

1) The inconsistency in what is protected. For example everyone today talks about "tolerance." But what does this mean? What it ends up meaning is "There are no moral absolutes so the only valid belief system protected is one that doesn't espouse moral judgments." But what about being tolerant to the idea that someone might feel otherwise? Why is state sanctioned secularism the only valid religion (and yes secularism is a belief system - a religion). It's sort of funny that those whom often claim to be the most 'tolerant' are often the most vicious when it comes to attacking someone that disagrees with their view of "tolerance." There are many views I could state that would get me labeled as being 'intolerant,' yet, somehow it's supposedly not offensive to state "All views on X,Y,orZ are equally acceptable." To me, and many others, that later position can be considered extremely offensive. Why is only one view (secular humanism) considered 'non offensive' but other religious views are some how bigoted and intolerant. It's pure hypocrisy.

2) Someone taking the time on the list to 'complain' to someone's employer. Sure you have the right to do so, but I think it's lame.


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