Few mature individuals who are well-grounded in a spiritual sense have
any fear of what newcomers and troublemakers can do to reputation or
to effectiveness.  Those who yell, those who take up space, those who
talk strange and even with evil in their hearts, those who are
burdened with mental twists, those who rebel, and those who trade on
the list's reputation, all such people seldom harm at all and, if at
all, not for long.

Some of these will become our best and most respected list members, if
not a part of the holy table of committers.  Some leave, some remain
to try our patience.  Others seem to just drift away.  The
troublemakers should be regarded not as menaces but as our teachers. 
They oblige us to cultivate patience, tolerance, and some humility. 
If they are sick, they are only sicker than us at worst.  Those that
openly condemn them are the Pharisees whose false righteousness does
the list more and deeper damage.  Some of these are, as is usual in
such matters, our "elder statesmen".

I am very sorry you lost your job, Mark.  I cannot imagine this is
likely to better you.  But, please know that there are out here people
who do understand that however sick or outrageous you might be, you
deserve your dignity too.  I wish that did not sound so
high-and-mighty, and that is what Craig, for reasons only he can
explain, finds so objectionable about me, I guess.  But, this is a
time, I think, to be high-and-mighty.

I do want to say that Niall displayed great courage in admitting his
error, and I certainly respect that.

On 7/6/05, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/6/05, Brian Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wow, this is shockingly lame. Like amazingly lame. To mess with someone's
> > livlihood because you think they are an jerk is inexcusable.
> >
> Keep in mind that, if Mark indeed did get fired (he has *no*
> credibility with me, so I don't believe anything he says without
> corroboration) then he has only himself, and his own behavior, to
> blame.  Acting the way he does, on a public mailing list (which is
> certainly accessible to his boss whether or not someone points him at
> it) is incredibly stupid, and doing so from his employer's email
> system is way beyond stupid -- and it was only a matter of time before
> he got called on it.
> I didn't forward the email trail, but I can absolutely understand
> Niall's frustration with the behavior of an idiot.  I'll take Niall
> with one "fit of frustration" lapse *any* day over several of the
> people that think the Struts user mailing list is their private
> playground to have a "I can be more outrageous and infantile than you
> can" pissing contest.
> The next time around, I'm going to be inclined to ban people soon
> after a spate of continuous crap like this (assuming requests to
> change behavior don't work).  It's a losing battle against a
> determined jerk (because its easy to just get a new address) -- but
> (since Mark got it wrong yet again) -- I didn't ban him, but I would
> not complain if one of the other mailing list moderators had (they
> didn't ban his gmail address, or you wouldn't have been able to see
> his latest comment).  Actually, as I told him, it would suit me just
> fine if he simply went away.
> I know there are a few people here who find Mark to be funny (I'm
> *not* a part of that group).  That's fine ... it's a free world ...
> but please go find him funny somewhere else.  There are ***lots*** of
> people who find him annoying and disruptive instead of helpful -- and,
> to the extent that this behavior encourages others to leave the list,
> it harms the Struts community as a whole.
> Craig McClanahan
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