I did consider using a single form bean for both forms, but it didn't
really sit well with me from a design stand point.  We have two
different forms doing two different things so there should be two
different beans.  Heck, if I had it my way, the two forms would be on
separate pages (wizard style), but the customer says otherwise.

I do have an issue with using a single form.  The top list is a list
of program ids.  When a program id is selected, it brings up all the
different sheets for that program id.  The user can then select a
sheet to edit, via radio button, and submit that request.  With this
request, I need to pass the program id that was selected (via hidden
field).  I can't rely on the program id in the drop down box because
if a user performs a search, changes the drop down box and then
selects a sheet to edit, we have a mismatch between the intended
program id to edit and the actual program id to edit (if that makes
any sense).

~ Andrew Tomaka

On 7/7/05, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: "Andrew Tomaka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > My problem is that I have a "PreAction" to do the processing on the
> > form.  This requires the page to have the form bean assigned to it.
> > Since I have two different forms doing two different things, I should
> > have two different form beans, but I don't see how I can accomplish
> > that.
> There's nothing wrong with sharing one form across multiple Actions.  I do
> it for an accounting reporting webapp.  All of the forms ask for similar
> things, such as account numbers and dates, and this makes it simple for all
> the HTML forms to "remember" their selections.  (The form is in session
> scope, so it happens naturally.)
> Just wanted to point out that there is no ironclad one-to-one relationship
> between HTML forms and form beans.
> --
> Wendy Smoak
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