On 7/18/05, Mike Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well I could see for large forms with nested data it might not be a
> > great idea to keep these around in the Session. I 'try' to stick to
> > using the Request when I can.... but I don't bend over backwards like
> > some do on this list to avoid the Session.. I'm in "The Session is  your
> > friend" camp:). Request will work fine however for Mike's situation. He
> > just needs to wrap his collection in his ActionForm around a LazyList
> > (or he can use a regular list and do the handcranking approach of
> > incrementing the size when needed in the getList property in his form.
> > LazyList is cleaner, though).
> Request is required for my situation -- the user can have multiple
> versions of the same page active in the same session.  That's what
> drove me away from the 'working' session scope bean -- I had users who
> were messing up the session scoped bean by opening the same page
> multiple times and making modifications.

Wicket has versioning for situations like this. I am thinking, does it
make sense to create versioned action forms for Struts?


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